The Co-Z Ultrasonic Cleaner is the best ultrasonic cleaner that money can buy, hands down. It has a multitude of features that make it stand out from other ultrasonic cleaners. The best feature of all is the patented Auto Crunching Technology. This patented technology allows the machine to not only clean your car but your windows, grills, siding and chrome and stainless steel pans, grates and chrome. You can use the same machine for cleaning your whole house, or if you are really into cleaning everything then go outside and get all your surfaces cleansed in one fell swoop. See website for more.
With the Co-Z Ultrasonic Cleaner you can set the machine to vacuum and clean all hard floors, vinyl siding, vinyl floors, tile, grout and everything else that comes under the kitchen sink. Also, the machine has a variety of features such as auto scrubbing, cleaning dampened and wet dishes, auto finish cleaning even after a hard day on the job, a touch screen for easier cleaning, an optional air compressor that makes a more powerful air blast and a stainless steel vacuum with 5 stages that pick up any type of dirt. There is even a pre-clean cycle, where the machine will run through the regular cleaning routines to remove any loose debris that might be left behind. The machine also features a spray nozzle for use on tough stains and some low-gloss paint.
The prices on the Co-Z Ultrasonic Cleaners start at around $150 and go all the way up to over a thousand dollars depending on the features you choose to go with and the model you purchase. The average person will not have a need for all the features and if you do have a need for them you may be better off purchasing a model with those features and a lower price tag. This cleaning machine will make cleaning your car’s a snap, and you can leave the kids in the car while you go to work. What more could you ask for?